5 HOA Property Maintenance Tips for Managers

5 HOA Property Maintenance Tips for Managers

More than 74 million Americans live under HOA property management companies, according to the latest Census data. A community association boosts property values and makes a development a nice place to live. However, a community is only as good as its HOA manager.

HOA maintenance advice for an HOA manager includes maintaining the common area, keeping great curb appeal, and ensuring excellent exteriors.

Here's more on the five HOA property maintenance tips for managers.

1. Common Area

HOA property management ensures the common areas look great for residents and visitors.

HOA property maintenance includes good landscaping, such as tree trimming, grass cutting, and lighting. Shared spaces for the owners of HOA homes, including the pool, tennis courts, or walking trails, also need attention.

2. Curb Appel

General curb appeal throughout the HOA home's property keeps it an attractive place to live.

The community association's management ensures no junk cars are on the property. HOA maintenance also ensures dumpsters are not overflowing with trash. Inspections include drainage catch basins that are free of debris.

Curb appeal also means keeping the front doorway entrance attractive and sidewalks clear of tree limbs and trash.

3. Exteriors

The community association bylaws likely dictate what the property's exterior should look like regarding siding, gutters, and windows. HOA maintenance means inspecting each building to confirm contractors use the right colors or materials.

Community association guidelines spell out many of these specifics. However, sometimes homeowners can cut corners, or the contractor gets it wrong.

Part of your job is to work with the architectural review committee to review plans and oversee implementation.

4. Roadways

Your development might own the roadways in the community you supervise, or the local government might have jurisdiction. First, knowing who's responsible for keeping up with roadway maintenance is essential. Fixing potholes or curbs can be expensive.

You might also have to deal with speed bumps. Maintenance also includes making specific parking spaces equal and the lines bright for drivers to see clearly.

5. Pest Contol

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, pests pose a significant health risk, especially for those living in tight quarters. Cockroaches, bed bugs, and termites cause damage to people and property.

HOA maintenance means listening to residents' complaints about what pests they see around the property. You must also hire a company to spray and rid the area of pests.

Also, hold an informational session about pest management. There are many things residents can do to avoid having pests in their homes.

Five HOA Property Maintenance Tips for Managers

Five HOA property maintenance tips for managers include maintaining the common area, keeping great curb appeal, and ensuring excellent exteriors. You must also oversee roadways and pest control.

Hiring a professional property management company is the best way to make your HOA more livable. Our skilled team of experts knows the property management business in San Antonio, TX. Let us handle the day-to-day operations of your homeowner's association.

A management company ensures proper dues collection and vendor management.

Please schedule an appointment with us today!
